Thursday, July 26, 2012

Looking for the Camera

Hello all,

Although we were bummed out about the BKs leaving, we trickled down the eastern Sierras before doing a giant U-Turn in order to hit Kings Canyon Np from the west side of the mountain range.  We ended up getting the exact same campsite that Katie and I had our last time in the park . . . 8 years ago.  How cute is that?  Ash was confused because she still can't seem to grasp we camped (or anything else) before she was born.  We woke up and drove towards L.A. so we could be in position to begin Ashlin's B-Day celebration.  We ended up spending 3 nights in Long Beach (which is where Katie and I were living when we met) and we went nuts letting Ashlin pick out where to go.  We went to Huntington Beach where she rented a surf board for a couple of hours and "surfed" some real waves.  She went in and out of surf shops and even saw one of Bethany's boards (from Soul Surfer).  We bowled, played video games, ate ice cream, went swimming, hot tubbing and movie watching.  Pretty great for all of us after so long in the woods.

This morning was sad though . . . I took the girls to LAX this morning for their flight to Boston.  Boo.  But, as the great big silver lining . . . my boy Andy is flying in to drive back with me!  No Vegas this time, but we are going backpacking in the Sierras before heading east.  It makes a sad day much better.  Such good friends . . .

So, there are pics but I can't find the camera.  I hope it's on the plane with Kate and Ash.  Keep you posted.


  1. Thanks, Andy! I know that y'all will have a great time. Derek, is the camera going to be the new car keys?

    1. It's always something, wouldn't be the same otherwise. For the good news, I have the camera. Now let's just hope Derek and Andy can make it home without losing the keys.

  2. So happy that you have the camera, Katie. If they can find their way out of the woods, surely they will keep track of the car keys....surely!?!!?
