Thursday, July 26, 2012

Looking for the Camera

Hello all,

Although we were bummed out about the BKs leaving, we trickled down the eastern Sierras before doing a giant U-Turn in order to hit Kings Canyon Np from the west side of the mountain range.  We ended up getting the exact same campsite that Katie and I had our last time in the park . . . 8 years ago.  How cute is that?  Ash was confused because she still can't seem to grasp we camped (or anything else) before she was born.  We woke up and drove towards L.A. so we could be in position to begin Ashlin's B-Day celebration.  We ended up spending 3 nights in Long Beach (which is where Katie and I were living when we met) and we went nuts letting Ashlin pick out where to go.  We went to Huntington Beach where she rented a surf board for a couple of hours and "surfed" some real waves.  She went in and out of surf shops and even saw one of Bethany's boards (from Soul Surfer).  We bowled, played video games, ate ice cream, went swimming, hot tubbing and movie watching.  Pretty great for all of us after so long in the woods.

This morning was sad though . . . I took the girls to LAX this morning for their flight to Boston.  Boo.  But, as the great big silver lining . . . my boy Andy is flying in to drive back with me!  No Vegas this time, but we are going backpacking in the Sierras before heading east.  It makes a sad day much better.  Such good friends . . .

So, there are pics but I can't find the camera.  I hope it's on the plane with Kate and Ash.  Keep you posted.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The BK's + Yosemite = great combo

We arrived in Yosemite after dark the first night.  We got up early and raced to Bridalvale campground and locked down a site for the next two nights.  We waited impatiently for the Brian, Rachel and Sadie to arrive and when they did we took off for our first hike.  Sadie and Ash were thrilled to see each other and didn’t even seem to notice the view from atop Sentinel dome.  The next day we got up early and hiked some more before returning to camp.  We had a very noisy night thanks to the Techno-Twins but Brian and I struck out early for a tent only campground.  We got “the spot” at Yosemite Creek and stayed for three nights.  Rachel almost ripped her toe off on a rock but after performing some self- surgery she came through like a trooper.  We hiked, hung-out, had a great time and cooked as little as possible.  Can’t even begin to say how much fun we had and we have to leave to go try and get backcountry permits so ya’ll should just check out the pics! 

Hike up to Sentinel Dome

First family pic.  And, Sadies very earnest face

The girls playing wolf


self portrait?

Rachel dunking her head

Top Illouitte Falls

Picture of half dome

Going across a log on our hike back from Lukens lake

Parkor (sp?)

more (sorry B your pic didn't make it in)

The girls playing by our campsite


you looking at me

Hike down from Lembart Dome, tye die anyone?

Almost there

eating at the summitt

Girls playing in the water at Tenya Lake

Derek and I had a hike solo (thanks guys).  Top of Mt. Hoffman


Decided to blaze our own trail on the way down

Super steep


May Lake

Last night :(

Hike to Cathedral Lake

Brian at Cathedral Lake


Girls goofing around

Trying to decide best route down

Friday, July 13, 2012


Found a new favorite game and word all rolled into one.  Farkle.  Jared and Ryann have been friends for ten years now but teaching us this new game might just be their greatest offering to our relationship yet.  They learned of the game (played with six dice) on their recent outing to High Sierra Music fest and passed it onto Katie, Ashlin and I like an infection. We spent our nights in San Francisco locked in the apartment feverishly rolling dice and eating fried chicken (a gorgeous thing).  Last night ended with a battle for the Holy Grail - the last known Uno glass in existence (we picked up a pair at a yard sale here last year and Nicky broke the one we took back to Georgia, Jared and Ryann kept the other).  The battle reached Homeric proportions as it came to a slug-fest between Jared and Ashlin that had us all waking up neighbors with our roars.  Ashiln proved a worthy adversary but fell to the determined, home advantaged Jared on the last roll.  Farkle.  So for now, the Uno cup stays with the Thompson's.  Rematch in one year.  Denver?

So to backtrack a bit . . . After we left Arcata, we headed east into the Trinity Alps Wilderness and found a great little spot on Lake Mary Smith.  This was one of those places just made for a hammock -which thanks to Andy, we have!  We chilled by the water and decided to read rather than hike.  The next morning we turned back west and drove back into the redwoods.  We stayed for the night in the Humbolt Redwoods right underneath the always surprisingly large and majestic trees.  These groves of trees are breath taking and humbling each and every time we visit.  Each old-growth grove feels like a cathedral.  There is a silence that commands respect and forces one to breath deeply and slowly.  The day changes little since the canopy, some 300 feet over head, allows only traces of sunlight through to the forest floor.  Some of these trees took root before the Roman empire and it is an honor to walk among them, especially since the audacity of last century's advancement has left us with relatively few of these wonders.  We hiked around for awhile and moved on south, taking the coast highway instead of 101.  Ashlin played on the beach for a while but then hit the tent early because she was SOOOO excited about seeing Jared and Ryann's two cats.  We finished the drive down the coast and came across the Golden Gate to play Farkle.

We head off today for a week in Yosemite!!!  Brian, Rachel and Sadie will join us tomorrow and there shall be much rejoicing, hiking and fun!!!  After Yosemite we head into the John Muir Wilderness for a backpacking trip so this might be the last update for a while.  We'll do our best to get the next one up after a week or so.  Family, we'll be in touch even if we can't get service.

More pics!

She can spend a day playing near water.

Thanks again, Andy!  This thing has been awesome.  I tell everyone about your after market improvements.

Tent at bedtime.  

Big sand bar near redwoods.  There might be some yoga happening.

Bridges mean no wet feet and smiles.

New logo for her Fantasy Football team; The Tree-Huggers.

Tree cave.

Still can't tell how big they are.

Almost to the top

Like a ninja.

This one is called "Giant Tree."  We're big fans of matter-of-fact naming.

She sure loves the water!

Playing with a friend.  She was keeping a close eye on the surfer in the background.

Another slug buddy.

Farkle table at Jared and Ryann's.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The end of Oregon and beginning of California, with pictures of course!

My appearance garnered giggles from college age locals last night.  A seamless transition between our life in the woods and city life is near impossible.  I was reminded of this fact as I edged through the small crowd of students gathered to smoke on the steps of our hotel- which also served as the Saturday night watering hole.  We’ve seen one shower and one flush toilet in the past 11 days.  We had no intention of coming to Arcata, much less getting a hotel room, so I was still wearing my long underwear under my shorts while sporting socks with sandals and the stench of six day sweat.   Oh well.  At least now we will have a shower. 

After leaving Portland, we heading into the Mt. Hood wilderness and found a really great campsite with no one else around.  Ashlin had a blast climbing over her tree bridge and exploring the area while Katie and I played with our new tent.  We took a slow and easy morning at camp on the 4th then moved into the Three Sisters Wilderness area where we found camp at a place called Lava Lake.  Ashlin made a friend at camp and we had our coldest night so far as the temp hit freezing and we woke to frost on the ground.  We said goodbye to Ashlin’s new friend and made a short drive to Waldo Lake in the same wilderness area.  Oregon has two of the nation’s three cleanest lakes and this one comes in second behind Crater Lake (which is only 45 miles away).  It was freakin’ gorgeous and so clear it was like pool water.  We had another hike cut short because of snow but had a great time boot skiing back down the side of a cinder cone volcano.  The next morning we decided to head back to the coast rather than stay in the mountains since our hikes have been truncated.  We found a crazy packed campsite on the Oregon coast and literally chilled on the beach.  We planned on staying another night on the coast but overcrowded and over developed campsites kept us moving south.  We tried to camp in south Oregon but came upon pollution from a laminate mill in Brookings and so we had to keep moving.  It was appalling how thick this smoke was.  It carried for 100 miles down the coast and into the Redwood forest of California.  We drove until the smoke ended but it was then 10:00 and we were in Arcata which is why we got the hotel room.  Now we have to leave so I will end it here.  Enjoy the pics!

Checking out our new tent.  Also found this amazing campsite by a small river.

Family pic at our campsite.  Ashlin loved walking across this log, she would say, "I have to go to school now"

Lava Lake in Three Sister's Wilderness, Oregon.

Ashlin made a friend, yay!

Early morning pic

Fishermen getting ready

Ashling "fishing" with her no hook fishing rod.  Look at how clear this lake is! @ Waldo Lake

On our hike, tons of snow!

Boot skiing


Our campsite at Waldo Lake, Ashlin found herself a little course through the woods

That is a thumbs up to Derek's "fry-dini" sandwhich.  The only way we could get her to try it was by saying Derek's mom came up with the idea.  After that she said, "How did Mamaw think of such a great sandwhich?"


It is like one of the things you put your head in to get a picture, but it's a tree!


And clear

Driving through Eugene and we spotted this.  Dalton 4-life!

Beach in Oregon

Ash was freezing but couldn't help herself

Just goofing

Although I am on a beach, I am wearing two long sleeves, my rain coat, and my winter hat.  Then I was warm.

Playing chase with the waves.  I think we can all remember doing this.

Coast of Oregon